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Figuring out your life can be overwhelming and exhausting! It forces yous to examine and ascertain what it means to be happy and fulfilled. The procedure, notwithstanding, will permit y'all to grow and develop into the best version of yourself. Assure yourself that there is not 1 path to happiness, but multiple trails to satisfaction!

  1. 1

    Keep a periodical. Document your journey to fulfillment in a journal. Journals provide you with a infinite to process your thoughts, evaluate your fears, and dream your dreams. Writing regularly in a paper journal or maintaining a daily blog volition permit you to track your progression to happiness. Writing about your day and your emotions forces you to become more cocky aware. Note what brought you joy that day and jot downward what made you broken-hearted. Document an interaction with someone that is doing exactly what y'all want to do. As you move through your journeying, periodically flip back through your journal to see how far yous have come.[1]

  2. ii

    Start a video diary. Instead of writing about your journey to happiness, keep a video diary. Apply your phone, computer, or camcorder to record your thoughts, aspirations, and realizations. Dissimilar journaling, keeping a video diary allows yous to verbalize your thoughts—it forces you to exit of your own caput. Y'all also don't have the added stress of starring at a blank page! Maintaining a video record will allow you to appraise your growth. Rewatch the brusk films to see how you lot accept changed—have your goals shifted significantly, are you more enlightened of what makes you unhappy, or do you accept an thought of what might make yous happy? Allow your realizations to influence your understanding of happiness and fulfillment.


  3. 3

    Take pictures. Documenting your life through pictures is an first-class mode to capture memories! Snap pictures of people, places, and things that make you feel happy—take pictures of your 91 year-old grandma, a tree irresolute colors, a successful projection. Take pictures of scenes that move you to action—snap a picture of a anarchism, a police officer standing baby-sit, or a lost domestic dog. As yous collect these images, analyze their significance to you. What practise they make you feel and why? Practise they reveal something about your life? Are there any images missing from your collection? Employ what y'all discover nearly yourself to identify what makes you happy![2]


  1. 1

    Ask yourself what you lot actually desire. In that location is no incorrect reply. Your response may be silence, a shrug, or "I don't know." You may reply with a vague, hazy answer or a toned-down version of what it is that you really want. Sit with the answer, mull it over for awhile. Consider why you lot don't know. Place the glimpses of your honest response in your hazy reply. Capture the essence of your toned-down respond.[3]

    • If your answer is silence, a shrug, or "I don't know," overcome the fear that y'all may never notice happiness or that you lot don't deserve to feel content. Respond over again with a fresh perspective![4]
    • Let get of whatsoever guilt and recognize that your hopes and dreams have evolved. What used to make you happy no longer satisfies you and that is perfectly normal! Your happiness does not demand to be divers by what your friends, family, or coworkers remember brings you joy.[5]
  2. 2

    Push your response to the next level. Elevate your response by expanding upon those glimpses of honesty in your hazy respond or extrapolating the essence of your toned-down answer. For example, if your original reply was "I desire to be happier with my career" you would elevate your answer by identifying people, places, or things that make yous feel happy. Continue to push your respond further until it is specific enough to be attained. For example, if animals make you happy, consider pursuing a career equally a vet or volunteering at a shelter in your spare fourth dimension. If working with kids brings yous joy, consider becoming an elementary school teacher. If helping others creates feelings of fulfillment, search for a job in the service manufacture.[6]

    • This process may take awhile. Remain patient, allow yourself to feel frustrated, merely never dwell on the impossibility of your respond.
  3. 3

    Embrace your answer. Allow your answer to guide y'all to happiness. Don't worry well-nigh the when, where, or why. You can't control those factors. You tin simply command how you pursue your happiness. Brand an attempt to pursue your happiness every twenty-four hour period. This will require you to step outside of your comfort zone. The risks, however, will strength you lot to abound into a brazen, driven, and happy individual.[seven]


  1. i

    Identify your gifts. Your gifts are your strengths, they are what you are good at doing. Compile a list of your strongest skills. Your list will include practical skills, similar filing taxes, social skills, such as listening, and interpersonal skills, like evaluating a situation or having a high level of self-sensation. In improver to self-reporting your strengths, take a gift or skill inventory examination. The results may reveal new gifts or assert your evaluation of your strengths.[8]

  2. ii

    Recognize your passions. Your passions reveal what yous care about. You may exist passionate virtually the environment, animals, social justice, education, or children. Your passions movement you to activeness. What moves you to selection upwards a sign in protest? Do you regularly donate to an system? If you struggle to readily identify your passions, take fourth dimension to explore different issues. Educate yourself on global warming, familiarize yourself with immigration reform, dedicate yourself to social justice. Over time, yous will detect your passions.[9]

  3. 3

    Examine your values. Values are a set a principles yous live your life past. Ofttimes, our values are derived from our religion, family, and society. Your values guide your decisions and actions. If you lot value integrity and honesty, you strive to tell the truth and appreciate when others are open with y'all. You lot may value equality, freedom, or family, generosity or dedication. When you work or live in an environment that does not respect your values conflict and tension naturally arises.[x] Identify your core values by completing a series of easy exercises. Consider which characteristics are nowadays in the people you respect—how exercise your parents, mentors, and teachers live their lives? Evaluate which issues inspire you to take activeness and why these bug excite you. Assess your community and determine one affair you lot would modify. Review your answers and search for common themes. The themes and principles that sally will resemble your values and behavior.[eleven]

  4. 4

    Discover your calling. The cardinal to finding your calling requires yous to meld your gifts, passions, and your values. Find a way to lend your strengths to a cause you lot are passionate about while maintaining your values. When you achieve the perfect residue of all three, you will experience a feeling of satisfaction—y'all will have figured out your life![12]

    • Finding the perfect balance between your gifts, passions, and values may accept awhile. Don't expect to perfect the formula on your commencement attempt!


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    How do you bargain with high expectations and pressures?

    Adrian Klaphaak, CPCC

    Adrian Klaphaak is a career coach and founder of A Path That Fits, a mindfulness-based bazaar career and life coaching visitor in the San Francisco Bay Area. He is also is an accredited Co-Agile Professional Coach (CPCC). Klaphaak has used his preparation with the Coaches Training Institute, Hakomi Somatic Psychology and Internal Family Systems Therapy (IFS) to help thousands of people build successful careers and live more purposeful lives.

    Adrian Klaphaak, CPCC

    Career Coach

    Skilful Reply

    Focus on what you desire, not what others desire for yous. We all absorb expectations and pressures nearly what we 'should' be doing with our life. Those tin come from parents, partners, friends, colleagues, and our culture. Admit these influences, but and then try to let go of anything that doesn't feel true to yous. Being authentic and doing what comes naturally is what will bring you real success.

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