Funny Home Owners Memes Dream Home Pics

social media post ideas for realtors

Our daily lives have become dependent on the Internet, and for some, this includes decision-making for their dream house.

People use online platforms to find their ideal home. They watch YouTube videos to compare between houses. Even the right hashtags on social media can lead them to an array of choices and information! Isn't the internet amazing?!

Property buyers have gone from Yellow Pages to Google–and social media. And there's no better move for realtors than to do the same: To bring their business "out there" through the different social media platforms.

Perhaps you are a new real estate agent who wants to build your presence online. Or you may have taken that step forward already but you feel that you're not making a considerable impact. Could you be doing it the wrong way?

Remember: Every post matters.

31 days of social media post ideas for realtors !

These social media content ideas are designed to help real estate agents boost engagement, grow brand awareness and to stay top of the mind.

1. New Listing

You'll never know who's buying a house next. So make sure you update your social media with new listings to bring some hype to your new homes.

Add key details about the house – How many beds and baths? How does the house interior and exterior look like? Finally, add a link to the website listing.

2. Giveaways or contests

Who doesn't like free stuff? Schedule a regular contests for your loyal followers.

Just make sure to state your contest mechanics clearly, answer queries promptly, and don't forget to post a photo of the winner (with the prize!) afterwards.

Note:Social media sites have a set of guidelines about contests. It would be to your business advantage to read it through.

3. Helpful news or information

Be a credible source of information. You can post local real estate news or tidbits of info about buying or selling.

When sharing a link to the article, add an excerpt from the story or share some personal thoughts about it.

Remember: People would click if it's interesting.

Here is an example from The Mortgage Guys, a. k. a. Madison Mortgage on Twitter.

4. Local businesses and events in the community

Potential buyers want to have a glimpse and feel of their community to see if it matches their lifestyle and personality.

Make sure to post about relevant events around the neighborhood and feature a booming business around the area regularly.

See how Team Rockensock – Real Estate Professionals did this one? That is one great example of a local event giving buyers a feel of what their potential community is like.

Social media post idea for realtor

5. Humor posts

This can be as simple as a question about real estate or a hilarious photo of a dog.

John Hamilton, a broker in Utah, shares posts that are humorous yet relevant to the real estate industry. I have always been a fan of theirs for the way they do social media.

The goal is to get attention and create a springboard for meaningful engagement. John and his team have this down pat. Here is an example of how they do it.

6. Real estate tips

It's always useful to find practical tips on social media, especially for working clients who don't have time to do their own research.

Make your list easy to read and follow by keeping them short, sweet, and straight-forward.

7. Videos of home tours or neighborhood guides

Uploading videos of home tours or neighborhood guides can attract  potential buyers who can't visit an actual property site.

Not a pro in shooting videos? Not a problem! Videography companies can help you shoot videos of your homes professionally – with drone footage and video effects as you please.

Here is a great example from Bill Gasset of RE/MAX

8. Home of the Week

Feature one or two homes a week. Highlight its notable features and let your audience drool over it.

Who knows? They might just find their perfect house match.

9. Real Estate client testimonials

Build trust with potential clients by posting feedback and stories behind your successful real estate transactions. Let your clients share how you have helped them with their new home.

Add some visuals to grab attention and link to the full post on your website.

10. Day-In-The-Life videos

"How is it like living in this kind of place?" This is a common question among property hunters.

Let them experience your house by shooting "A Day in the Life" videos. The aim is to show your clients how your property can provide anyone a comfortable living with its amenities.

11. Polls

Create some interesting polls or surveys about something that may be related to social media or anything that is fun.

You can connect your poll to your current photo caption or post it on your IG story.

12. More free resources

Again, anything free is appreciated. This time, treat your audience with some useful resources like a guide to the home selling, or buying, process.

13. Video series

Your audience could get bored with routine and predictable posts. Keep them coming back by creating a series.

For instance, have a regular series every Wednesday that will feature homes that badly need a renovation, then give the series a catchy title.

14. Community service

Are you actively helping out your community to make it a better place to live in? There's no harm in letting people know what you care about.

Don't overemphasize on "your" good deeds. Instead, focus on the cause and organization to raise social awareness.

15. Highlights

Regularly post highlights by sharing about the "Cream of the Crop." This may include your best properties in different categories, and best tips.

Include direct links to your website to give your clients more details about it.

As an example check out this post from Paul Sian – United Real Estate Home Connections. Notice his post also includes relevant followers that, also, share helpful tips on real estate.

16. Behind-The-Scene videos

Let your personality shine through in your posts. It can be a footage of what you do every day to prepare for client meetings or a house visit.

You can also make a behind-the-scenes (BTS) episode for your property tours. Make sure to encourage potential buyers to ask for additional information.

17. Fun facts

Real estate facts don't have to sound boring and serious.

Try to break up all real estate talk by sharing interesting info about your local area. Include some trivia about the houses you sell which you don't normally include in your sales spiel.

Finally, use relevant and high-quality photo to keep your fun facts indeed fun to look at!

18. Question and Answer

Answer commonly-asked buyer questions and extend help whenever you can.

19. Partnership or Business spotlight

Dedicate a post for your partners in the business. Share the story behind your partnership and highlight the memorable experiences you've had with them.

Create a post with photos or shoot a short video on your IG story featuring your business partners.

20. Lighthearted posts

Put a smile on your fans' faces. Post about that funny experience in your recent holiday or share an uplifting quote. We all need this kind of break.

21. How-To lists and DIY tips

Household tips and Do-It-Yourself (DIY) for beginners and dummies are helpful topics that can boost viewer engagement. In a fast-paced world, people seek practical and reliable methods of doing things.

Here is ap perfect example from John Hamilton, Associate Broker Windermere Real Estate-Utah.

22. Real Estate expert advice

Help your audience end up with smart choices. Offer them real estate advice, drawing from your experiences as a realtor and a house owner.  For example, you can make a list of "what not to buy" as a first time property buyer.

23. Client events

Keep your fans updated by posting about client events. Express gratitude to everyone who attended and tag their names on the photos you upload, if you can.

You can also encourage attendees to take their own photos and upload them to the event page – this is good if you want to attract more followers!

24. Closing post

Once in a while, brag about your victories such as client closings. Give a shout out to everyone who helped you along the way, include some details about your clients, their transaction, and their new home. Again, don't forget to tag people in your photos.

25. Holiday messages

Extend your holiday greetings the fun way by posting them with graphics, fun facts, or a personal story. Let them get to know you (and the holiday). better.

26. Memes

What's the fastest way to get viewer's attention? Try memes. They remind people that serious stuff can still be fun and entertaining. This is also one way of presenting your brand and what you do in subtle way.

27. Housing Market info

Trust is the key to a successful transaction. To establish your expertise, show people that you know your stuff.

Post pertinent information about the housing market. Avoid too many industry jargon though, as this may bore your audience!

Make your post more visual than text-heavy, link to the original source, and briefly explain why these stats are relevant to buyers/sellers.

28. Buying goals

This post is a chance to clear out uncertainties by informing your clients the steps to buying a property. You can also share why it is a good time to buy now and encourage them to take the next step.

29. Personal posts

Give them a glimpse of who you are. Let your personality shine through your personal posts. It can be about your recent travel, your family getaway or the simple joy of waking up to a beautiful window view!

30. Open House

Open house is an event you shouldn't miss posting. The next buyer might just come from your attendees! Keep your post short and sweet, include key details: address, date, time, and pictures of the home.

Don't forget to encourage your audience to share the post.

31. Throwback Thursday posts

Take your audience back in time. How about posting old pictures of your community?

Provide some context about the photo, and give a "Then and Now" comparison.

It's a Wrap

Posting on social media seems trivial but it can earn you loyal followers – and clients when done right. Start with these tips, tweak your posts and add other real estate social media post ideas as you progress, and post away!

31 social media marketing post ideas for realtor
Realtors: Never run out of social media marketing post ideas anymore.
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